
List of Articles         My Books


Over 750 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Prophecy in General on the End-Times:

When do the Armies of Ezekiel 38 and 39 Invade Israel?

Australia the Fair. Australia the Condemned

Mysterious Origin of the King of the Norths vs King of the South Conflict

Days of the Lord

Just What do you mean “Watch ye therefore”? (Luke 21:36)

History of Prophetic Charts and Tables

Middle East in Prophecy and Daniel 11 Chart

The End-Time Warning Ministry

A Note on Revelation 17:11

A Note on thre Three Woes and Babylon/Tyre Parallel

What is meant by "Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen"?

Decline and Fall of the Anglo-Saxon-Keltic Nations Prophesied! (by H. W. Armstrong)

Charts and Tables (on the End-Times):

The Beast & Future Roman Empire:

What will the Beast be like?

A Woman Rides the Bull Beast

History and Future of the Extended Arm Salute

Is Nimrod typological of the end-time beast dictator?

Napoleon. A Roman Emperor

Wilhelm II. A Type of the Future Emperor

Europe, the King of the South and the Middle East

Charts and Tables (on the Roman Revivals):

Ezekiel Warning Message:

The Ezekiel Warning Ministry

When the End Times Finally Reaches YOU!

The Church in Prophecy and Typology